Happy 36 Th. Birthday

I remember so well that tiny little girl,
So snuggly and sweet her mommy's whole world.
Born on Saint Patrick's day in 1971,
She out shined the moon, the stars and the sun.

I held her so tight and thanked God she was mine,
And made her a promise, that she'd always be fine.
Now 36 years later all my dreams have come true,
And I know my sweet girl, because that little one was you.

And I am so proud of all you've become
my darling daughter ,my sweet number one.
you light up my world in so many ways
you brighten my nights and also my days

so happy birthday
And many ,many more
I just had to tell you
it's you I adore

I love you babe

For my oldest daughter
April Roth
For her birthday


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