
Some people come into your life
And then they go away.

But sisters come into your life
And there they always stay.

They share your laughter and your tears
And always hold you near.

And if you have a problem
They always lend an ear.

They stand beside you come what may
They're a shelter in a storm.

They hold you up and keep you safe
And always keep you warm.

For my sister Carolyn Alvareaz
For her birthday.

© By Gloria Collins 3/03 



My Sister

We have shared many secrets
And even clothes we had.

We have shared a lot of good times,
So don't dwell upon the bad.

Our memories we'll cherish,
Our love will never end.

I'm so glad that you're my sister,
And even prouder you're my friend.

I love you sis, Always!

Written for my sisters:
Agnes, Carolyn, Bobbi, Vivian, Mary, Lydia.
I love each one very much.

© By Gloria Collins 
