Chapter  1  Page 2

A Christmas Miracle


Right before Sarah's third birthday, she woke up late one night feeling really bad.  She went to her mommy's room and woke her and said, “My head hurts Mommy."  Susie felt Sarah's head and she was very hot.  She turned over and woke Bill and said, "Sarah's sick again."  While Bill called Dr. Matthews, Susie checked Sarah's temperature, it was 105.5.  Dr. Matthews said, "Bring her in."

 The ride to the hospital seemed long, Susie sat in back with Sarah's head in her lap, and Sarah tossed and turned.  Then at the hospital, while the nurses got Sarah into bed, Susie took Bill's hand and said, "I'm scared Bill."  He hugged her and said, "Me too Susie, but lets not expect the worst until we talk to Dr. Matthews." 

 About that time Dr. Matthews came in and looked Sarah over, then turned to talk to Bill and Susie.  He said, "Lets not get too worried yet, lets get this fever down and run some tests, then we'll see where to go from there."  The next few days were just like the first time.  Sarah's fever was up and down.  Susie and Bill stayed by her side, pacing the floor all night long.  Susie had just talked Bill into going home for a while, but as he started to leave, Sarah began tossing and turning.  All of a sudden her heart monitor went off.  Sarah's heart had stopped.  Susie screamed for the nurses, but they were already on their way into the room.  They moved very quickly, they brought the paddles and started CPR.  In a matter of seconds Sarah was back.  By this time Susie was a wreck.  Bill held her in his arms and they cried tears of relief, knowing their daughter was alive.  But they knew this nightmare wasn't over yet.  They joined hands and knelt in prayer for Sarah.  Bill prayed, "Lord, I know you are listening, she's just a little one Lord, we still need her here, if it be your will, we are asking for more time with her Lord.  But not at the expense of her suffering.  Lord we ask that you heal her in Jesus Mighty Name we pray.  Amen.”

