Chapter  1  Page 4

A Christmas Miracle


Some weeks went by and Susie seemed to be getting better.  Her arms and legs were getting stronger.  Around the house she didn’t have to use her wheelchair so much, and she really liked that.  She told her mommy, “I don’t like that chair, people stare at me and I don’t like it when they stare."  “I know,”  said Susie, “But I don’t think they do it to be mean.  I’m sure they just feel bad for you.”  “Well, no one needs to feel bad for me, Mommy.  Jesus will make me well, and one day I won’t need this chair.”  “I know Sarah, I believe He will too.  We just have to be patient and keep our faith.”  “I know Mommy, and don’t you worry, I have plenty of faith for both of us.”  “That’s good to hear,” laughed Susie, “Because I may need to borrow some from you.”  Then they both laughed.

 Susie said, “It will be your birthday in three weeks, Sarah.  Have you thought about what you would like to do for your birthday?”  Sarah’s eyes sparkled as she thought about her birthday, she was going to be four years old.  “Yes,” Said Sarah, “ I want a tea party with my dolls and my friends and then I want to go to Build A Bear at the mall.”  “That sounds wonderful honey, I think we can manage that, we’ll keep it small, just your five closest friends, okay?”  “That’s great Mommy, I want to invite my best friend, Stacy, and Sally, Jane, Carol and Paula.  It will be fun.”  “I’m sure it will honey, now lets get you to bed so you can get a good night’s sleep.”  “Okay Mommy, good night, I love you.”  Susie hugged her and said, “I love you too, honey.”

 The week before her fourth birthday, Sarah’s fever spiked again, 104.6 this time.  Susie called Dr. Matthews and he said he would meet her at the hospital.  Susie was so scared, Bill was out of town for a convention and for the first time, she was alone when Sarah was sick.  She tried to call Bill but couldn’t reach him, so she left a message for him to call her.  She called an ambulance for Sarah, and as she followed them to the hospital in her car, she was terrified.  As she drove, she thought, ’What if this is it, What if God calls my baby home?’  Tears filled her eyes.  She could not even imagine living a life without Sarah.

